Clitoraid NEWS International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: The struggle against Female Genital Mutilation Clitoraid-Canada "silent marches" in support of International day of the elimination of violence against women on november 25th Italy - Fun and Clito-boxes! Korea - Clitoraid volunteers at World Book Exibition France - Sonata in the Moonlight for a clito... Italy - Theatrical Show in Perugia to Promote Clitoraid! USA - Clitoraid presentation at Antioch University in Los Angeles USA - New Surgeries and Training for Doctors on March 8th, 2012 Belgium - The "Erotica, Body and Beauty" Fair in Mechelen Africa: Clitoraid volunteers act in support of the International Day against FGM Go to page << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >> Back to news overview