NZBCF Turns Down $5,000 From Erotica Expo and Now Will Go to CLITORAID
August 12 2009, category: Press Releases
NZBCF Turns Down $5,000 From Erotica Expo
Wednesday, 12 August 2009, 9:28 am
Press Release: Erotica Expo
New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation refuses offer of support from the Erotica Lifestyles Expo and Boobs on Bikes.
In an email to the organizer of the Erotica Lifestyles Expo and Boobs on Bikes, Ms Michelle Ruebe, the Fundraising Manager - Philanthropic of The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, Ms Jeanine Gribbin refused accept a pledge from Erotica owner Steve Crow to donate $5,000 to the NZBCF.
Erotica has now withdrawn the pledge and will again support Clitoraid, the USA - based organization which aims to help women around the world who have suffered genital mutilation. Clitoraid has graciously accepted Erotica's offer on behalf of the women of the world who suffer from this abhorrent form of abuse.
It is interesting to note that the NZBCF has a history or refusing funding offers from sources it does not consider 'fit with its image' (whatever that means). Two + years ago they refused an offer from the then owners of the no-nudity, soft, men's lifestyle magazine BRASS to receive $0.50c from the sale of every issue of the magazine.
Ms Gribbin's email and Erotica's response follow:
From: Jeanine Gribbin
Sent: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 4:42 p.m.
To: Michelle
Cc: Heather Shotter; Suzanne McNicol
Subject: The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Importance: High
Hi Michelle
We have been forwarded a copy of a Press Release dated 11 Aug 2009 stating that Erotica Lifestyles via Boobs on Bikes parade publicity stunt has pledged $5000 towards the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation. Thank you for you offer however, we do not see an alignment with this event and our cause.
Earlier this year we were contacted by Erotica with regard to being involved with a free stand at Erotica. At the time our I advised that the Foundation did not see an alignment with your event and the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation accepts fundraising events/projects by individuals, clubs and organizations whose intentions will promote the image of the NZBCF, as well as raise funds for our work. We take care to avoid events/projects that might be inappropriate or do not support our intentions, messages or have relevance to our stakeholders.
We balance a wide range of factors when determining whether an event has alignment with the values of our organization, including patient support services, education, breast cancer awareness messaging, cause related marketing, fundraising objective, commercial relationship perspectives and our valued donors and sponsors.
Not all fundraising events or projects are necessarily endorsed by us for a variety of reasons related to one or more of the areas mentioned above. Your event does not demonstrate an alignment with our key messaging nor is it aimed at our core audiences for our education, support programmes or our valued supporters .
After careful consideration and review of your fund raising initiative, we have decided that your project is not an appropriate alignment for us. Therefore, while we are grateful for your offer we do wish to be associated with this initiative. Please ensure that your current line of promotion for pledging money to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation is discontinued.
Kind regards Jeanine
This email from the NZBCF prompted the following email response from Erotica.
Dear Jeanine,
I am, quite frankly, gob-smacked by the arrogance your organization exhibits by refusing to accept a donation from a perfectly legal and valid source.
What right do you, or anyone else in your organization, have to turn down funding much needed by the women of this country? Is the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation so flush with cash that it does not need money to help New Zealand women combat and/or live with this horrible disease? If it is, that is wonderful - I look forward to soon learning that all New Zealand women are eligible for unlimited free screening and treatment for breast cancer. If not, then who the hell are you to take a moral high-ground that could deny one or more New Zealand women a better life?
As you are undoubtedly aware, some 100,000 people turn out to watch our event every year. A good proportion of these (in the case of Erotica 57% in fact) are woman. They come from all walks of life and all ages. What they all share is a love of freedom of expression and distaste for the hypocrisy of organizations and individuals that try to limit their civil rights as free-thinking adults. I use the word hypocrisy here deliberately, the NZBCF's Premier Supporter is listed as The Lion Foundation (alcohol and gambling money), while another is Sky City (also alcohol and gambling money) - so booze and gambling, two of societies' main social problems are OK in your world but adult lifestyles events are not?
I will give you a little quote from the New Zealand Drug Foundation's website which lists among the long term effects of heavy drinking "for women: increased gynaecological problems, foetus damage if pregnant, increased risk of breast cancer". Yet you take money from the alcohol industry; why - to help them assuage their collective consciences? I applaud you for putting aside your morals in this instance; take their money for the good of New Zealand women.
I suggest you forget about balancing "a wide range of factors when determining whether an event has alignment with the values of our organization" - this is precisely the sort of politically correct BS that makes organizations such as yours so grossly inefficient and unwieldy. The only values you should consider are 'is the source legal' and 'do we need the money to better aid New Zealand women'.
In closing, my organization offered you FREE space at the Erotica Lifestyles Expo to give you the opportunity to fund raise and get your message to over 20,000 adult New Zealanders. This is an opportunity for you to be there and educate people about breast cancer. Remember, 57% of our attendees are women. These people are your target audience, your clients. I have no obligation to make such an offer and no hidden agenda to give away valuable space in this manner. Erotica has a long and proud history of supporting charities because I believe in giving back and supporting worthy causes.
Your refusal to accept charity on behalf of New Zealand women simply because of your moral beliefs it is worthy of only three words;
Shame, shame, shame.
My offers are now withdrawn; we will support Clitoraid and the women of Africa instead.
Steve Crow
NZBCF Turns Down $5,000 From Erotica Expo
Wednesday, 12 August 2009, 9:28 am
Press Release: Erotica Expo
New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation refuses offer of support from the Erotica Lifestyles Expo and Boobs on Bikes.
In an email to the organizer of the Erotica Lifestyles Expo and Boobs on Bikes, Ms Michelle Ruebe, the Fundraising Manager - Philanthropic of The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, Ms Jeanine Gribbin refused accept a pledge from Erotica owner Steve Crow to donate $5,000 to the NZBCF.
Erotica has now withdrawn the pledge and will again support Clitoraid, the USA - based organization which aims to help women around the world who have suffered genital mutilation. Clitoraid has graciously accepted Erotica's offer on behalf of the women of the world who suffer from this abhorrent form of abuse.
It is interesting to note that the NZBCF has a history or refusing funding offers from sources it does not consider 'fit with its image' (whatever that means). Two + years ago they refused an offer from the then owners of the no-nudity, soft, men's lifestyle magazine BRASS to receive $0.50c from the sale of every issue of the magazine.
Ms Gribbin's email and Erotica's response follow:
From: Jeanine Gribbin
Sent: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 4:42 p.m.
To: Michelle
Cc: Heather Shotter; Suzanne McNicol
Subject: The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
Importance: High
Hi Michelle
We have been forwarded a copy of a Press Release dated 11 Aug 2009 stating that Erotica Lifestyles via Boobs on Bikes parade publicity stunt has pledged $5000 towards the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation. Thank you for you offer however, we do not see an alignment with this event and our cause.
Earlier this year we were contacted by Erotica with regard to being involved with a free stand at Erotica. At the time our I advised that the Foundation did not see an alignment with your event and the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation accepts fundraising events/projects by individuals, clubs and organizations whose intentions will promote the image of the NZBCF, as well as raise funds for our work. We take care to avoid events/projects that might be inappropriate or do not support our intentions, messages or have relevance to our stakeholders.
We balance a wide range of factors when determining whether an event has alignment with the values of our organization, including patient support services, education, breast cancer awareness messaging, cause related marketing, fundraising objective, commercial relationship perspectives and our valued donors and sponsors.
Not all fundraising events or projects are necessarily endorsed by us for a variety of reasons related to one or more of the areas mentioned above. Your event does not demonstrate an alignment with our key messaging nor is it aimed at our core audiences for our education, support programmes or our valued supporters .
After careful consideration and review of your fund raising initiative, we have decided that your project is not an appropriate alignment for us. Therefore, while we are grateful for your offer we do wish to be associated with this initiative. Please ensure that your current line of promotion for pledging money to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation is discontinued.
Kind regards Jeanine
This email from the NZBCF prompted the following email response from Erotica.
Dear Jeanine,
I am, quite frankly, gob-smacked by the arrogance your organization exhibits by refusing to accept a donation from a perfectly legal and valid source.
What right do you, or anyone else in your organization, have to turn down funding much needed by the women of this country? Is the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation so flush with cash that it does not need money to help New Zealand women combat and/or live with this horrible disease? If it is, that is wonderful - I look forward to soon learning that all New Zealand women are eligible for unlimited free screening and treatment for breast cancer. If not, then who the hell are you to take a moral high-ground that could deny one or more New Zealand women a better life?
As you are undoubtedly aware, some 100,000 people turn out to watch our event every year. A good proportion of these (in the case of Erotica 57% in fact) are woman. They come from all walks of life and all ages. What they all share is a love of freedom of expression and distaste for the hypocrisy of organizations and individuals that try to limit their civil rights as free-thinking adults. I use the word hypocrisy here deliberately, the NZBCF's Premier Supporter is listed as The Lion Foundation (alcohol and gambling money), while another is Sky City (also alcohol and gambling money) - so booze and gambling, two of societies' main social problems are OK in your world but adult lifestyles events are not?
I will give you a little quote from the New Zealand Drug Foundation's website which lists among the long term effects of heavy drinking "for women: increased gynaecological problems, foetus damage if pregnant, increased risk of breast cancer". Yet you take money from the alcohol industry; why - to help them assuage their collective consciences? I applaud you for putting aside your morals in this instance; take their money for the good of New Zealand women.
I suggest you forget about balancing "a wide range of factors when determining whether an event has alignment with the values of our organization" - this is precisely the sort of politically correct BS that makes organizations such as yours so grossly inefficient and unwieldy. The only values you should consider are 'is the source legal' and 'do we need the money to better aid New Zealand women'.
In closing, my organization offered you FREE space at the Erotica Lifestyles Expo to give you the opportunity to fund raise and get your message to over 20,000 adult New Zealanders. This is an opportunity for you to be there and educate people about breast cancer. Remember, 57% of our attendees are women. These people are your target audience, your clients. I have no obligation to make such an offer and no hidden agenda to give away valuable space in this manner. Erotica has a long and proud history of supporting charities because I believe in giving back and supporting worthy causes.
Your refusal to accept charity on behalf of New Zealand women simply because of your moral beliefs it is worthy of only three words;
Shame, shame, shame.
My offers are now withdrawn; we will support Clitoraid and the women of Africa instead.
Steve Crow